DRAMA. BEAUTY. HUMOR. BROODING. FUN. PAIN. OTHER SHIT. max payne 2 has all these things and more. max payne 2 is gaming cinema. max payne 2 is the BEST.
i had a big ass paragraph here about how f-zero gx was the best racing game ever made. then i played daytona usa.
shoutout to the og saturn port. it's awesome.
i value "unique" moreso than conventional "good". i'd put drakengard up there with killer7 and the quiet man with the most unique games i have ever played. this isn't to say drak isn't also jsut good - in fact, it's phenomenal. the loop of "hour-long slaughtersesh in a field where the same song loops the entire time" to "detached cutscene where weird shit happens" puts me into a trance. i'm like, astral projecting on caim or something. did i use that term right? idk. zoomer shit. anyway, this is the only game that can get away with looping its songs for an hour at a time because nobuyoshi sano was touched by the divine hand of God and as such crafts god-tier compositions. sound design in general is unreal. this game is unreal. it's by CAVIA, the BEST STUDIO of ALL TIME. if you played nier automata and not this, you screwed up big time.
i'd argue the original resident evil trilogy as a whole embodies the platonic ideal of survival horror gameplay, but if i had to pick one game as the "best", it'd be 2. it's a perfect split right down the middle between the clumsy and claustrophobic re1 and the action-packed re3. that said, y'all know gameplay alone is not enough to sell me. luckily re2 comes forth with straight vibes. SECOND ONE of gameplay, you're running down a street ingulfed with bright red flames that contrast beautifully with leon's dark blue uniform. then, you get to explore a gorgeous museum-turned-police-station with arguably the best music of the series before launching into some straight up 80s action movie thrill ride. they could have cut this series off here and i think i'd still be just as massive of a fan. i grew up with the n64 port and i will ride or die it as the best version. i own a real copy too. swag.
the source engine catalog is stuffed with cool distinct environments. not sure what about this old-ass engine gives way to so many unforgettable architecture. anyway, sp:ud (cool acronym) isn't even in the source engine (unlike the og) so idk why i led with that. look up "davey wreden king shit" on youtube if you want to know why this game is good. also kevin brightly's voice makes me feel safe
people who don't have this game in their top 20 should not be trusted.
leave it up to trans women in their 30s to bring back rpgmaker horror stylin except with a more mature story than any of those classics had. all of ada rook's art, no matter the format, has this pervasive earthiness to it that i can't find anywhere else. she can make the harshest song and still include guitar that bring to mind dark, melancholic folk music made by some guy who lives out in a forest and shuns industrial society. fallow's sorta a culmination of that - a game about rejects who live out in a big forest on the outskirts of society, featuring art made solely out of greens browns and greys, as well as a soundtrack that combines what sound like dying analog synths with banjos. i know the story is the main course. the art's what sold me on it though and maybe it'll sell you too.
i already waxed poetic about this game in my review which i'd recommend reading. i'll give you the short of it though: miserable victorian game about childhood and toxic lesbians with the most impressive storytelling ever in the whole medium. does what some 40 hour rpgs do in like 8. good shit.
alicia is my wife
i'm hoping i can one day right some big piece at least partly about silent hill 3's vibes. the gameplay or even the story isn't as interesting as the art direction, whether it be the character designs that manage to both be super distinct from one another and obviously from the same game, or the beautiful urban environments. there are these thick tints of orange and red over a lot of the areas that i super like, looks like a mid-90s alt rock album cover or smth. fits heather's personality like a glove! and yeah, she's the other aspect that makes this game special. the only player character who might be better than her is nicole from class of '09. legendarily sassy, iconic voice acting, Certified Traumagirl. wish this game didn't have to have had the cult plotline forced onto it but eh. what can you do.
one of my very bestest friends and favorite writers, rottie dollheart, is a song of saya diehard - which is a little confusing! not only do i think that urobuchi is kind of a hackjob, i see so much stuff in that game that i thought rottie would hate. however, she played it at a formative time in her life and it left a critical impression on her. omori is in a similar situation for me. i played omori when i was depressed, suicidal, and totally rejected by my peers. its cast almost became a sort of friendgroup for me (which is pitiful but like it's true). i'm never not going to cry to its soundtrack. it's hard to explain to people why i like omori when they confront me with its flaws. those flaws are close to my heart tho
if you need to know why i love postal 2, you haven't read the fps museum. it's in the sidebar. click on it. postal 2 is the first entry.
when i beat this game, i cried for like half an hour. that had never happened before and to this day has never happened again.
having now read the undertale artbook (which approximately 50% consists of toby saying "i forgot to put this thing in the game" or "i got too lazy to finish this part") and seen both the halloween hack in action and this shit, i gotta say: it all makes sense. of COURSE this is my favorite video game. it's the unfinished overambitious byproduct of the nightmare threesome lovechild of neil cicierega, boxxy, and channel awesome (without the controversies). yeah, all of channel awesome. i guess it's less like a threesome and more like an orgy.
all of the "postmodernist" "subversive" stuff is totally stolen from his favorite games, and honestly? good for him! he's a hardworking boy and he can steal a little as a treat.