the gnarliest video game. pure shonen schlock. style is substance type beat (shoutout maraganger). the first 10 seconds of the final cutscene play in-engine so you can take the dramatic plot relevant killshot yourself. starts its kickassery when the intro cutscene plays and doesn't stop until the credits roll. a buttonmashy bad time for any bimbos that bumble in front of your boomstick. play it on hard mode, you scrawny fuck.

if the games industry had a lick of sense, this would be the direction we took all third-person shooters in. sure, resident evil 4 is one of the greatest pieces of art ever created, but imagine a world where rather than cover shooters, the 7th-gen shooter archetype was that of balls-to-the-wall in your face aggression, button-mashing, explosions, and stylish killers. i never liked gears of war anyway