i had to download 3do emualtor for this shit man got damn

the road rash remake holds the award of "most 90s video game i have ever played". whether or not you're down with meatheaded slapstick, trashy grunge, and neversoftian aesthetics is going to determine whether you get anything out of this cuz the racing is paper thin. but hey, you can 120 mph kick cops off their bikes at 10 fps and then watch the cheesiest fmv cutscene since night trap when you inevitably lose because, by golly, qualifying in every race in level two is harder than i thought it'd be. i'm going to have to steal a lot more nightsticks.

a silly arcade game where the basic (i mean literally one button) combat does a surprising amount to keep things entertaining for a couple hours. i've yet to try out the career mode but i have a pretty good idea of what i'll think of it (ie. good for replay value, not going to change my life).

my biggest takeaway from this is that i need to play carmageddon