complaining about the track count in sega rally is like being handed 4 gold bars by a total stranger and responding, "what, only 4?!". i understand that a simple kart racer's replay value is wholly dependent on track quantity and variety, but this ain't no simple kart racer. this is sega rally championship, bitch.

fun fact: the first time i ever operated a car, i said out loud, "holy shit, this is just like sega rally championship!". i then proceeded to do $1000 of damage to the car despite being in a parking lot

addendum: the more racing games i play, the more i appreciate saturn src's handling. with as little as two buttons and a d-pad, you are given both the precision and expressiveness of the best arcade racers played on a full machine. who knew that weakly saturn could power such a finely-tuned physics engine, one that will both brutally punish you for the slightest mistakes and allow you to pull off some insane-o shit across a variety of kinesthetically-distinct terrains? understandably, 90% of people prefer the more capable psx and n64, but it's the fact that the saturn was such a technical dumpster fire which makes me love its library that much more. every good game counts.

i didn't mention in the old version of this review, but i find the aesthetics here severely lacking in comparison to the other sega arcade racing classics. aesthetics are often more important to me than gameplay. yet i sit here with a glowing review and a 4-star rating because the Toyota Celica GT-Four and Lancia Delta, these beautiful bastards, feel so amazing that they single-handedly changed me into a racing game fiend. sega 4 life